Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Your worst day.... probably better than someone else's best day". (Overheard while standing in line at Home Depot, oddly enough). I've never used that exact expression but those have always been my thoughts- exactly. It's so interesting the different ways people view their circumstances. I think sometimes it takes hearing and seeing the travails in someone else's life to make a person realize how blessed they are in their own situations.

I never take anything for granted and I am careful (very careful) to not mislabel challenging life events as 'disasters' or 'tragedies' when in truth, they are far from it. I also think it's important to know the difference between a temporary and permanent situation. Being able to distinguish the two will eliminate unneccesary stress and confusion in a person's life.

Sure, I can get all 'cognitve-behavioral' about it but to keep it simple, and the most tried and true way to deal with it, is to trust God in the middle of it all. Unwavering, undoubting, and full of faith. The best feeling in the world is to go to bed at night without having any 'unfinished business' going to bed with you. It's nice to know it's already been taken care of.