Saturday, October 30, 2010

**Oh the Holidays**

Boy do I LOVE this time of year!! Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years- I can hardly wait :-) The cooler temps, the coziness, delicious food, family time... what's not to love? I'm going to love it more because this year, I have a week's paid vacation from Christmas Eve through the Monday after the new year. Which, by the way, is one of the reasons I'm LOVING this new job already. More on that, later...

But back to the Holiday Season :). Last year, it was very, how should I say...."lack luster". Nothing really memorable happened from November to Jan. If I remember correctly, I didn't make it home for Thanksgiving, even. Way too busy. Can't say that I have any regrets except I wish I would have taken the time to enjoy it more. Last year, I didn't partake in the annual Black Friday craziness but this year, I just might. Not that I have anything in particular that I need to buy but if the sales are any good, I'll be there. Considering I have a move I need to prepare for, now would be the time to buy what I need. And for Christmas...I didn't plan anything special a year ago but this year, I might have to take a trip somewhere.

I really need to get this whole work/life balance thing under control. So far this year, I'm doing a wonderful job at it. Taking more time off to do family things, taking weekend trips, going out with friends, dates....all the necessary things a person must do to keep themselves sane :) I'm ending one job and starting another in November so I'm looking forward to that. And, as I mentioned before, this new job comes with the expectation of moving so I'm really excited about that, too. It happened pretty fast, I have to admit. I wasn't expecting such a swift response from them so I had NO time to prepare. I'll have to commute the first couple of months at least until I find a place. I'm thrilled that the hiring process happened so quickly so NO complaints from me.

Life is good and God is great :)

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