I didn't pass out yesterday, afterall :) I had some BIG help with putting all my stuff together and got to spend the day with sis, niece and nephews. I took a short nap then got right back into it. I finished up around 1am but I'll save the rest for next week. Well the weekend's halfway over but I think I'll be taking it easy at home. It's too cloudy for the beach- don't really want to take the chance of going out if it looks like it's going to rain. I could just veg on the couch until Monday but I'd probably lay around thinking of all the things I *could* be doing instead. Well I need to finish the closet. I'm reorganizing my work wardrobe and trying to keep things simple. I used to find myself rummaging through my closet and putting outfits together (or trying to put them together) so by the time I'm done, I should have a few basic outfits, already put together, set aside just for work. Probably wondering why I have a picture of the Jetsons on this blogpost? Well yesterday, while standing in my closet, knee-deep in clothes, I was thinking of the Jetsons. How nice it would be to have a closet with rotating shelves and racks. Oh and a robot maid would be nice, too.
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