Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cooler Weather

It's a luxury to get to go out at night and really enjoy cooler weather in Florida. I LOVE this time of year. I know it probably won't dip below the 50's this far south but I remember in Orlando- I'd wake up to temps in the 40's. Loved it! Anyway, we had a taste of things to come last night. The weather people are calling it the first 'cool front' of the season. Oh what fun!

Anyway, I didn't want such a nice evening to go to waste so we skipped the movies and went to see FeederBand perform Downtown. Nice crowd and the food was pretty good. Now I can't say it was particularly 'chilly' last night but it was deliciously refreshing! LOL. If I wasn't tethered to my laptop today (thank you LIVEOPS!), I'd be outside, on the balcony, enjoying the remnants of last night's cool front.

After my shift, I have some serious house organizing to do. I really need to figure out what I'm doing with these piles of clothes scattered all over. Some of this stuff was to go on EBay. The rest of it, to Good Will. I unpacked my spacebags a couple of weeks ago to really see how much 'stuff' I had: Mostly sweaters, pants, jeans and things that just didn't fit- or I just didn't like anymore. Think I'm just going to dump it all. Too much 'stuff' gives me a headache. Anyway, that's just phase 1. Phase 2, is actually organizing my closet (for the 3rd time this year).

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