Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Let's Make A Deal!

Daytime TV just got more interesting! Who knew there was a brand new "Let's Make A Deal" on tv? Wayne Brady hosts it. I used to LOVE watching this show. It's funny how your perception of certain things change as you get older. I never realized that this show was full of 'mind games'. Crazy! I don't think I would actually enjoy being a contestant. Just watched someone trade in the chance for a brand new car just to keep her $600 bucks. Another one traded $500 for some turtle wax. They'll be kicking themselves for days....

Anyhoo, watching daytime TV means that I'm home right now. I am so not in the mood to do any driving today. I might go off to the library, then order in lunch and finish up some stuff for work but that's about it. Glad the weather's nice. Would make a trip to the beach but it's supposed to rain later.

Speaking of weather, my trip to NC is in a couple of weeks. It didn't dawn on me that it'll be pretty cold by the time we get up there. Need to start looking for some warm, cozy, things to wear. We'll only be up for 5 days but I'll bring a warm jacket just incase.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Okay, I'm really 'working it' this weekend. Just got news of a big campaign with my online gig. One of their biggest clients is debuting a new product and I just got certified to participate. So, I haven't been with them for long but according to the testimonies (if you can believe them), this is the highest grossing client. Weekends are always good for business and I'm usually on during peak infomercial time so if there is a big difference in calls, I'll notice it. I'll just remind myself: work for that all expense paid cruise! It usually helps make the day go by faster....

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cooler Weather

It's a luxury to get to go out at night and really enjoy cooler weather in Florida. I LOVE this time of year. I know it probably won't dip below the 50's this far south but I remember in Orlando- I'd wake up to temps in the 40's. Loved it! Anyway, we had a taste of things to come last night. The weather people are calling it the first 'cool front' of the season. Oh what fun!

Anyway, I didn't want such a nice evening to go to waste so we skipped the movies and went to see FeederBand perform Downtown. Nice crowd and the food was pretty good. Now I can't say it was particularly 'chilly' last night but it was deliciously refreshing! LOL. If I wasn't tethered to my laptop today (thank you LIVEOPS!), I'd be outside, on the balcony, enjoying the remnants of last night's cool front.

After my shift, I have some serious house organizing to do. I really need to figure out what I'm doing with these piles of clothes scattered all over. Some of this stuff was to go on EBay. The rest of it, to Good Will. I unpacked my spacebags a couple of weeks ago to really see how much 'stuff' I had: Mostly sweaters, pants, jeans and things that just didn't fit- or I just didn't like anymore. Think I'm just going to dump it all. Too much 'stuff' gives me a headache. Anyway, that's just phase 1. Phase 2, is actually organizing my closet (for the 3rd time this year).

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I have to remember to keep my priorities in order: Fun, Fun, work and Fun. Speaking of fun:
Clematis Street - I'm definitely going tonight! I haven't been there in a few months. Scholars World is playing. They usually bring out the crowd. I can do that or the R-Bar. I'm not a 'bar' person but they have some really good performances and of course- the scenery. I love the whole tiki bar-and-restaurant-on-the-beach theme. It's not even on a real beach! It's up the street from me right by the waterway. But imported sand makes everything feel beachy and that's fine by me. They have 'drum circle' Thursdays and some other performers on the weekend. Hmmm Thursdays....What is it about Thursdays anyway? It's great but I do have to work in the morning. Who are these people that can stay up in the wee hours of the morning and not work on Friday? I have no idea....

Anyway can't wait for the weather to REALLY cool down at night! I had enough of the heat and humidity already. The only problem with that (especially in this area) is you have to compete with all the tourists that come down this time of year to escape the snow and sleet. This is like the calm before the storm: still have another month before it gets too bad. But anyway, tonight- I party. LOL. I'll worry about tourists later.....

Saturday, October 10, 2009


....all weekend....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Everyday's an adventure...

I had real confirmation of that today.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Get the Weekend Going....

I need to peel myself off the couch and do some grocery shopping. Not being lazy, just had a LONG day yesterday and a very late night. Still, somehow, I managed to get up at 6:30 am this morning. So that makes, what, 4, almost 5 hours of sleep? I don't think I'm tired but I see little floaty spots in my field of vision. Hm, nothing a little hot tea can't fix. That, and an onion bagel with cream cheese.

I completely skipped out on City Place last night. There are just certain things that don't appeal to me- at all. A toga party at Taverna was not on my list of places to be. That CanCan place was pretty interesting though. Heard all the rave reviews and wouldn't you know, we passed by it, twice (on the way in and on the way out) and I still didn't notice it! City Place has become the home of the 'restaurant of the week'. So I found out later, that the new CanCan place is in the space of an older restaurant that I remembered. I had no idea that that was it. Didn't care much for the theme but anywhere that I can eat outside is alright w/me. And CheeseCake Factory....don't get me started on that. Never have I been to a restaurant and actually noticed that there was a new chef in the house. The food tasted totally different than what I remembered from just a few months ago. Order the same thing every time and it completely tasted different. Ick. I am definitely not a complainer but I'm glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that it was NOT the same.

Ok so next week- if my NY visitors stop by on the way to Miami, I'll have to have T.D. show them around. He seems to know who's in business, who's going out of business- good info to know before going out for the night! If they don't, then we'll just do a movie or something.

Anyway, I didn't start my painting project- looks like the fam is coming over Monday and then having friends stop by next weekend. Don't really feel like setting things up and then having to put everything away again. Painting project halted until further notice.

The weather's great today! Might start planting today (or Sunday). Need to get some flowers out. I'm having this strange issue with soil fungus. I just don't trust any of the nurseries here. Landscaping at Wal-Mart? What a joke. Lowe's was not any better. This makes the second bag of fertilizer I had to throw out. I really must not have a green thumb. I don't know how Poppy does it. Anyway, I'll try again, with a smaller bag. I haven't tried Target yet but we'll see. If my plants get all diseased and hairy this time around, then I'm giving up on live plants. I'll get fake ones.
So my Royal Palm Bch buddy called me today to give me the low-down (or the update as it were) on life at the paper factory. Apparently, there's been some major restructuring going on and no ones happy about it. Two senior level members of management resigned and several other employees jumped ship, too. That place was an absolute disaster to begin with so I'm not surprised it's going down the tubes. Actually, if this were a privately owned company, they would be going down the tubes, but they're not. Which means, they can screw up left and right and never dissolve. Companies like this don't go away- they just 'restructure'. I swear it was like corporate musical chairs over there.....

It's amazing how the turnover rate continues to climb. Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure they couldn't care less. Anyway, I don't know what my friend plans to do but he seems to be handling it well. But I have to give him a pat on the back for maintaining in the midst of it all. Keeping a positive outlook is always good. (I suppose)....

It's good to work hard but if your work totally disrupts your joy, comfort and sanity- it's just not worth it. Some people's goal in life is to be lazy and never work (ever) but who ever said "WORK" has to be synonymous with slave labor? I'm not too keen on jobs where they crack the whip. I'm blessed to have a true interest in what I do everyday. No position has ever been a perfect fit for me as much as my counseling positions have been. You know you are where you're supposed to be in life when you ask yourself, 'would I do this if I had all the money in the world?' In my case, the answer is 'yes'. It's an interesting process to counsel someone. Like I always say, there's never a dull moment...

Final thoughts:

Having a job in this terrible economy? Nice.
Getting to enjoy every aspect of what you do? Priceless

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Holiday Season!!

Can't believe it's October already! Boy, how time flies. We're already into the beginning of the 'holiday season'. The only holiday I really care about it Christmas (and New Years of course) but I guess the term 'holiday season' makes sense. I counted about 6 or 7 holidays from October through Jan 1. I can do without the commercialism, but I love the coziness of this time of year. Only wish the weather was cooler...It's getting there, but anyway.

I'm already thinking about New Year's plans. I can hardly remember what I was doing last year. I just have a vague recollection of T.D. calling to invite me to some party his fam was having on the boat but I was already back home so I had to decline. LOL and I only remember that because I hadn't heard from him the rest of the week (only to find out he accidently dropped his cellphone overboard later that day- they still talk about it till this day!) Anyway, at the time, I had only been here for a few months so I didn't even consider celebrating down here so I just went home that week. Might have different plans this year but we'll see.

Christmas Shopping....

Already started, if you can believe it!! I hate the crowds and the 'rush' of having to finish my shopping. I never wait until the last minute so for the last few years, I've been buying things as early as September. (Yes, that early). The family seems to be getting bigger and bigger every year so I have to start with neice/nephews first, parents next, then work my way out from there.

And speaking of nephews...someone's having a birthday today! I have to buy a gift this weekend. Hopefully, I'll find something really cute.